Record of 108 sets of Surya Namaskars at Parramatta Park!
50 people from varied backgrounds and age groups participated in a challenging Yoga event organised by The Spirit of India, (not-for-profit in NSW) on August 2016 to create awareness of the health benefits of Yoga.
Yoga participants completed 108 sets of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) in the open beautiful backdrop and surroundings of Parramatta Park, each set consisting of 12 steps or asanas. Completing 108 sets was like achieving an Olympic Gold medal said the participants!
Most people had never attempted 108 sets of Surya Namaskar at once. Most participants had never done it before but took up the daunting task to push themselves to their limit. For holistic health benefits and to stay fit.
Begin your day witn Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is an ancient Yoga technique consisting of 12 asanas (poses) which form one set. And is generally practised in the morning before breakfast. Surya Namaskar is performed to express gratitude to the sun which is the source of all life. It energizes the solar plexus region that is connected to many energy channels.
Why a 108 Surya Namaskar Yogathon
- Stretching and contraction of different muscle groups
- Increased flexibility and stamina
- Cleansing of chakras or nerve centres
- Cleansing of the respiratory system
- Flatter abs, stronger spine, firmer muscles
- Mental calm and poise
Yoga teacher Suresh Khatav who led the routine, has been instructing for the past 12 years and is passionate about changing lives of people. Suresh said to participants and his students “Surya Namaskar is a complete exercise. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar shall increase your stamina, increase physical strength, and spine can become strong, supple and flexible. It will reduce cholesterol, reduce obesity, control weight and make you feel energetic and young”.
Due to the stupendous success of the event, Spirit of India is considering having regular events (once a quarter) for Surya Namaskars to convey the health benefits of Yoga.
The next Surya Yadnya is being planned for the Sunday, 4th December 2016. For more information or any questions, please write to Suresh at or call on 0412 202 182