Many people try alternative treatments like Acupuncture, needling the skin at specific points (acupuncture points) on the body with very thin needles (Chinese way of treatment olden times and now ) supposed to stimulates the nervous system to release chemicals which influence the body’s own internal regulating system.
-Herbs are used to strengthen the body and treat the disease. Some of the herbs used are in some places in India China and other Asian countries.
Some of the herbs used are
-Butterbur – to reduce mucus and treat asthma and bronchitis
-Biminne – a Chinese herbal formula
-Astragalus etc You can buy all this from Chinese Herbal shops In china town and consult a herbal specialist on duty.
Other treatments for allergic rhinitis. We will see what Ayurveda can offer? (Taken from Ayurveda book)
Ayurveda: It believes that an imbalance in three doshas - vata, pitta and kapha – which results in diseases… According to Ayurveda, allergy or Sheetpitta is a condition of pitta which causes toxins and low immunity present in the body (ama). Ama increases the levels of pitta and kapha in the body, thus giving rise to different symptoms of allergies so. Ayurveda considers this as a Kapha-Pitta disorder. A combination of toxins and low immunity in the body, some ways to get rid of allergic rhinitis are:
-Add a slice of ginger, pepper and cardamom while preparing tea. Or in hot warm water
-Take two spoons of Apple cider vinegar and a bit of honey mixed in a glass of cooled boiled water early in the morning.
-Kapha. Way of treatment would be induce vomiting by tickling your throat
-Taking two tablets of guduchi thrice a day or consuming tea made of camphor, cloves and basil for about two weeks will help in preventing the aggravation of Kapha.
-There are many Ayurvedic natural treatment in various parts India mostly in Kerala and Tamilnadu special clinics are being run. In all these places. You have to careful as they are expensive and need to be taken for long term.
-It is not possible to bring Herbs to Australia
Homeopathy: (taken from Homeopathy Book from India)
Homeopathic treatment is aimed at reducing symptoms and improving quality of your life with seasonal allergic rhinitis. It targets your body’s immune system and reduces the hypersensitivity to the allergens. With time the aggressive reaction to allergens is reduced, gradually curing the hypersensitivity. Some of the homeopathic medicines for allergic rhinitis are;
-Nux vomica — for nasal stuffiness with and sneezing
-Arsenicum album — for stuffiness with severe, burning nasal discharge and vicious sneezing
-Allium cepa — for repeated sneezing, irritating nasal discharge and tearing eyes
-Euphrasia — for bland nasal symptoms that worsen when lying down
Note: It is not possible to Bring Herbs to Australia
If all this fails then we will approach traditional way of treating allergic disorder and Rhinitis
Allergy tests usually done by Doctors call themselves as “Allergy and Immunologists.
Allergy testing has a very important role for main agent of all kinds’ allergy Rhinitis and asthma.
Most common food is nuts all kind nuts especially in children. Most common food allergy we are aware are due to Seafood, Nuts sometimes chicken. Rarely do we come across allergy due to Kiwi fruit, mangoes and strawberries.
Skin prick testing
Skin prick testing is the most convenient method of allergy testing. Results are available within 20 minutes so this allows you to discuss the results with your Specialist at the time of testing. Skin prick testing has been shown in clinical studies to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Skin prick testing is most commonly performed on the forearm or the back. The skin is first cleaned with alcohol. The skin may be marked with numbers corresponding to the allergens. Using a sterile lancet, a small prick is made into the skin through a drop of allergen extract. This allows a small amount of allergen to enter the skin. If you are allergic to the tested allergen, a small itchy lump (wheal) surrounded by a red flare will appear within 15-20 minutes. Skin prick tests are Skin prick testing should only be performed by a health professional who has been trained in the procedure and who knows how to interpret the results. A doctor should be present to select the allergens, interpret the results and deal with any generalized allergic reaction that might very rarely occur. Antihistamine tablets/syrups or medications with antihistamine-like actions (such as some cold remedies and antidepressants) should not be taken for 3-7 days before testing as these will interfere with the results of allergy
Other tests include Blood tests, Total IGE testing, Eosinophil counts.
Dr. Sundar