Actor Preity Zinta tied the knot with long-time boyfriend Gene Goodenough in a hush-hush ceremony in Los Angeles on Monday night (Tuesday morning in India). While the actor gave no official confirmation about the wedding date, buzz started when the actor’s close friends Sussanne Khan and Surily Goel were spotted in LA and Sussanne also posted a picture with Surily on Instagram. She captioned it as: “Calif Sunday with my @surilydpgoel Sunshine and a vintage car. #cityofangels #LA #dreamcatcher .”
Reports suggest that the wedding was an intimate affair in the presence of close friends. The actor plans to have a lavish Rajput wedding in April in Mumbai. This will be attended by all her friends from the film industry as well. “Since Preity has worked with the biggest names in the film industry and continues to remain close friends with several of them, she plans to host a big celebration in Mumbai where we can expect some of the biggest names to attend,” a source was quoted as saying earlier.
There have also been reports that the couple plans to auction the wedding pictures and donate the proceeds to the Preity Zinta Foundation. “The couple has decided to direct all the hype and anticipation surrounding their wedding into a charitable cause. They will be putting their private wedding images up for auction and the proceeds generated from these will go towards the Preity Zinta Foundation,” a source said. Preity’s foundation works towards educating children and old age home rehabilitation.
Although buzz about her wedding started a while back, the actor has been tightlipped about any announcements. “Can you leave my marriage announcement to me pls AFTER ALL ITS MY LIFE TILL THEN LEAVE ME ALONE Grrrrrrrrrr! (sic),” she posted on Twitter some time back.
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