Health & Wellness

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Easy Habits That Can Reduce Risk of Liver Disease

The liver typically contains some fat. However, if it builds up, it can cause fatty liver disease. This means that the liver is not...

Depression, Stress higher during peak of COVID pandemic

Australian researchers have found that rates of elevated psychological distress, including depression and anxiety symptoms, were found among adults during the peak of the...

menstruation linked to increased menopause symptoms

Researchers, including one of Indian-origin, have found that early menstruation increases the likelihood of hot flushes and night sweats decades later at menopause.For the...

COVID cannot be transmitted from mosquitoes to humans

Do mosquitoes carry the novel coronavirus and can they transmit Covid-19 to humans? Maybe not. In a new study, the researchers have confirmed that...

National Mental Health Month 2020

National Mental Health Month: an important reminder to all Australians that we need to pay due attention to raising much-needed awareness about mental health, to...
