A 23-year-old fan was arrested by Juhu Police for trespassing Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa bungalow. Bullet Banwarilal Yadav scaled the outer wall to meet the actor. Yadav, a resident of Bihar wanted to croon a Bhojpuri song for Bachchan, according to The Times of India.
But apparently in an excitement to display his singing skills to the actor, the man eventually ended up getting arrested.He has also been booked under the Indian Penal Code section 447 for house trespassing.
Yadav reportedly tried to meet the actor for five days but failed eventually. It was actor’s cook who saw Yadav scaling the wall and informed the security. Yadav came from Pune to meet the actor.
This is not something new for Bachchan who has a massive fan following. His age belies his ability to stir the same enthusiasm and frenzy among people, even after all these years.
In fact, this real life incident seems to leapt straight out of a movie. This small-yet-larger-than-life moment was captured by Anurag Kashyap for movie Bombay Talkies. The movie depicts a young man travelling to Bombay to fulfill his ailing father’s wish. His father has a desire to feed Amitabh Bachchan homemade murabba. So the son travels all the way from Allahabad to Bombay to feed Bachchan homemade ‘murabba’ and bring the remaining half for his father .
Images of a large gathering at Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa bungalow on social media keep reminding one of the actor’s presence in popular culture. Bachchan might be playing an old, miserable, wobbly man in his late 70’s who sometimes suffers from constipation on screen ( remember his character from much beloved Piku), but he is still the same dashing angry young man for millions. His fame doesn’t seem to be falling despite an onslaught of young stars. He somehow manages to remain in people’s daily conversation, as essential as a morning cup of tea to their ordinary lives.
Amitabh very generously stands on a wooden stool to wave at gathered crowd. Thousands of his fan gather outside his house with bated breath to have a glimpse of their superstar. His popularity stands rock solid even today and incidents like above only reinforce this very fact.
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