Its finally hear the much talked about date when we witness the clash of two titans viz. DILWALE and BAJIRAO MASTANI on the big screen. While both films have been a hot topic of discussion for the past few weeks, DILWALE that features Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, Varun Dhawan and Kriti Sanon was generally expected to fare better than BAJIRAO MASTANI that features Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra. However only the audience can tell which of these two will eventually emerge as the winner at the box office.
Reports currently suggest that both DILWALE and BAJIRAO MASTANI have got off to a good start with occupancy rate during morning showing pegged at a strong 50-60%. However, being a working day, this is expected to increase over evening and night shows. Another factor that has affected the overall opening rate for both films was the screen issues that was faced by the makers, as a result of which advance booking have been relatively low.
On the whole, this weekend will witness heavy current bookings for both DILWALE and BAJIRAO MASTANI, but eventually both films will have to rely on word of mouth to out beat each other in terms of box office collections.
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