Over the years veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan has lent his name to a multitude of brands and social causes. Now adding yet another one to his list is his latest announcement of him supporting the campaign for TB-free India.
In fact Amitabh Bachchan will be joining business tycoon Ratan Tata to lend their support to the government’s ‘Call to Action for a TB-Free India’. While a press conference was held yesterday to announce the same, Bachchan took to twitter to promote the campaign posting images of the prees meet saying, “I pledge my support for a #TBFreeIndia @forTBfreeIndia @TheUnion_TBLH .. with Mr Ratan Tata & US Ambassador”.
Later adding more images the actor tweeted, “I am a TB survivor #TB, know that it is curable and one can overcome it. @forTBfreeIndia @TheUnion_TBLH”. Mumbai Dialogue: Towards a TB-Free India is an initiative which attempts to bring in strong support of corporate companies for the cause.
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