Actors Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone bring alive Maratha leader Peshwa Bajirao 1 and his warrior queen Mastani’s extraordinary love story in the hotly-anticipated trailer of Bajirao Mastani which released on Friday evening. Priyanka Chopra features as Bajirao’s heartbroken first wife, Kashibai, who comes to terms with her husband’s love for another woman.
The hashtag #BajiraoMastani trended on Twitter the entire day and perched itself atop the trends moments after the first look released.
The four-minute long clip beautifully captures Bajirao’s personal struggle with relationships amid the backdrop of battle cries and war formations. It ends with with the severely-injured Bajirao and Mastani telling each other after a valiant fight, “Hamare Dil Ek saath dhadakte hain aur ek saath rukte bhi hain.”
Grand palaces, forts, characters dressed in traditional Maharashtrian ensembles recreate the era of a period film, which is only to be expected from a Sanjay Leela Bhansali-directed magnum opus.
Bajirao Mastani opens on December 18, the same day as Rohit Shetty’s Dilwale, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol.
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