The investigation into the shooting incident at Billu’s Restaurant is still ongoing and police are working hard on this. Police still need assistance from the community to come forward with any information that maybe connected to this incident.
The tragic event outside Police Headquarters at Parramatta on the 2 October, 2015 where our civilian police employee Curtis Cheng was murdered is still under investigation. A critical Incident Investigation Team including Homicide detectives and other specialist are working around the clock to ensure justice is done. At present there have been 3 male persons charged with a variety offences. The matter is still on going.
Our local police Parramatta and broader New South Wales police are committed to ensuring all members of the community are safe and are able to live and work in the area, freely and without fear.
Parramatta is a city of many cultures and has lived in harmony for many decades which is what we aim to maintain.
NSWPF is ready to deal with and will take very seriously any threats of violence or crime and preventing this can only happen through our partnership with you, our local communities.
Of concern is the issue of posting inflammatory comments on social media. This is a criminal offence and may incite violence. Police will take action against those who post these types of comments.