A plan to unlock Parramatta’s CBD and strengthen its position as Sydney’s Central River City has been endorsed by the NSW Government for public exhibition.
City of Parramatta Council’s Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal seeks to expand the City‘s CBD boundaries and change land use controls to increase capacity for commercial opportunities and high- density residential development, supported by a revitalised night-time economy and open public space.
The Planning Proposal allows for 50,000 new jobs and 14,000 additional dwellings in the Parramatta CBD.
“This is a significant milestone and an exciting next step in the transformation of Parramatta as Sydney‘s Central River City,” City of Parramatta Lord Mayor Cr Bob Dwyer said.
“Council initiated this game-changing proposal to help us realise our vision for the Parramatta CBD – an economic leader with a thriving commercial centre that attracts world-class businesses and offers incredible lifestyle opportunities for residents.”
Following endorsement by the NSW Government, the Parramatta CBD Planning Proposal will go on public exhibition in the coming weeks for community feedback.
Key aspects of the proposal include:
- Expanding the CBD‘s commercial core and introducing incentives for new commercial floor space;
- Increasing height controls to accommodate taller, slender towers so sunlight and air can reach the streets and public spaces below;
- Ensuring new development includes community infrastructure to support growth;
- Protecting key public spaces, including Parramatta Square and the river foreshore, from overshadowing;
- Introducing new controls that ensure a development demonstrates an appropriate relationship to the City’s heritage;
- Introducing controls to ensure a development’s ground floor better connects with its surrounds, including the Civic Link and river foreshore;
- New controls to better manage flood risk, including evacuation and emergency response;
- New provisions that ensure new buildings perform to high environmental standards; and
- New parking and road widening provisions to facilitate improved traffic management and active transport.
“This proposal will help us capitalise on the unprecedented levels of interest and investment in
Parramatta, and cement its place at the centre of global Sydney,” Cr Dwyer said.
“We look forward to sharing these City-shaping plans with the community and seeking their feedback during the public exhibition period.”
For more information, visit www.citvofparramatta.nsw.gov.au/counciIprecinct-planning/parramatta-cbd- planning-proposal