Painted in the hues of joy, the whole nation today is chanting ‘Ganpati Bappa Moreya’, including our loved Bollywood celebs. Everyone is taking to their social media handle to extend warm wishes on the occasion. And the special greeting that caught our attention has been shared by Priyanka Chopra Jonas, who posted a lovely throwback pic from the Ganpati celebration with her late father Dr. Ashok Chopta.
In the picture, both Priyanka and her father can be seen paying homage to Lord Ganesh. While PeeCee’s hands are folded and eyes are closed, her father’s smile speaks of the contentment he felt while doing pooja.
Sharing the picture, Priyanka wrote – “Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations this year might be different from the usual but the spirit and faith will always remain the same.May this festival bring a new beginning for all of us, #HappyGaneshChaturthi”
Meanwhile, on the work front, Priyanka Chopra has a big project in the pipeline. Taking the tale of Hollywood ahead, she will be seen in ‘The Matrix 4’.