Actor-comedian Kapil Sharma has a huge fan following, not just in India but abroad as well. He is enthusiastic about interacting with his fans and values their feedback on his show.
A few weeks ago, Kapil fulfilled the wish of a fan who is battling cancer. “She visited the sets along with her daughter. The moment Kapil heard about her, he ensured the shoot was stopped, and requested the entire team to join him to meet her,” says an insider.
The team of The Kapil Sharma Show interacted with her. They also answered questions she had about the characters. She even complimented Kapil by saying that his show was the only thing on TV that makes her laugh.
Kapil, moved by the meeting, said, “It is always a joy to meet to my fans. The lady and her daughter came to meet us. I told her not to worry about her problems, but try to be happy.”
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