I am delighted to wish everyone celebrating the Festival of Colours, a happy Holi!
Holi is a time to welcome the arrival of a new season, exchange gifts and enjoy traditional music and dancing. It is a time to be with family and friends.
Many also mark this special moment with the throwing of gulal, a joyful custom that has been embraced around the world.
The Festival of Colours is a wonderful opportunity for the broader community to embrace another culture and enhance their understanding of multicultural Australia.
Australia is a country built on the riches of many traditions, and every faith and every community group is an indelible part of who we are.
Each of us enjoys the freedom to go about our lives, to realise our aspirations and be acknowledged for our efforts regardless of creed, race or culture.
This is the promise of Australia and this is the ideal that sits at the heart of how we live as citizens, and how as a nation we remain resilient and strong.
I thank everyone celebrating Holi for your commitment to these values and to the peaceful future of our country.
I hope everyone celebrating Holi has a wonderful festival, and a year filled with love, joy, peace and prosperity.
The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister of Australia