The six day Gurmat Smagam organized by Damdami Taksal concluded successfully on April 25, 2016. The Gurmat Smagam was held in Parklea (Glenwood) Gurdawara organized by Damdami Taksal. Holy Kirtan was presented by Bhai Hazzori Raagi Kaarz Singh ji from Harmandir Sahib. Gurmat vichaar was conducted by Giani Sukhdev Singh Ji and Kavishri by Bhai Mahal Singh ji from Chandigarh.
The highlight of this Smagam was that with Amrit Sanchaar, Nitnem, Kirtan, Katha & Kavishri . A special Gurmat Camp was organized for Children by Bhai Sukhwinder Singh from UK for four hours every day.
Community members also participated in Vaisakhi Nagar Kirtan held on Saturday 23 April. Around fifty community members received Amrit Paan in Amrit Sanchaar on Sunday 24 April. A Turban Competition organized by Turban Academy and ASA (Australian Sikh Association) turned out to be a popular item for the children. Many Sikh Sangats came from Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane & Woolgoolga.
Damdami Taksal & ASA thanked everyone who participated in the event. Bhai Amrik Singh Taksali and Singh Sandhar said these type of Smagams will also organized in Australia’s different cities.