Prime Minister Narendra Modi after controlling Corona pandemic in India has begun his seventh year of office with drawning up a tight weekly schedule of fixing 28 meetings for this week.
Today Monday Union Cabinet Meeting.
Tuesday: Narendra Modi to deliver the inaugural address via virtual online meeting at the annual session of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)
PM narendramodi to share his vision on ‘Getting Growth Back’ with India Inc on Tuesday
Wednesday Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs to kick start setting up of Migration Commission modalities.
On Thursday Narendra Modi Prime Minister to have video conference
his Australian counterpart Scott Morrison are likely to finally sign the ‘Mutual Logistics Support Agreement’ which will pave the way for greater defence cooperation between the two countries and facilitate.
With the resumption of flights trains and transports union ministers have also programmed for political events.
On nineth June Amit Shah to declare Bihar Assembly campaign with an address Bihar BJP workers meeting also address a public rally through virtual video
Parliament standing committees are also to meet in Delhi from Thursday.
EC has announced Rajya Sabha polls. For June 18.
India is limboing back to normalcy with these tight schedules