EAST Hills Boys High School in Panania and Sir Joseph Banks High School in Revesby have lock-outs in place after terror threats were made via social media.
Police have been sent out to the schools and Police Minister Troy Grant’s office has been made aware of the situation.
A NSW Police media spokeswoman said officers had been sent to the two schools as a precaution.
“NSW Police have been made aware of threatening information on social media,” the spokeswoman said.
“As a precaution officers from Bankstown LAC are at high schools in Revesby and East Hills conducting inquiries.
“Police will investigate the situation and police are reminding members of the public that it is an offence to post threatening or violence-inciting messages on social media sites. “
A spokeswoman for Mr Grant said the schools were in lock-out, with people allowed to leave but no-one able to enter.
The school gates at East Hills Boys High are locked, with people directed to call the school’s reception with any inquiries.
Both schools referred The Express to the Education Department and would not comment.
An Education Department spokeswoman said an assembly would be held at both schools at midday to inform students about the siuation.
“All staff and students are safe with each school in lock-out. The schools are working with NSW police with their investigation,” the spokeswoman said.
“Parents contacting the school are being told that their children are safe but they can collect them if they want to.”
Last year pro-ISIS graffiti was spray-painted on walls at East Hills Boys High.
“ISIS r coming,” the graffiti read. Another message read “ISIS beheads”.
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