Dragon has been dwarfed by the announcement of several companies coming out of China to set up manufacturing units in India. The Chinese government mouthpiece Global Times has said in an article that despite the economy being affected by the lockdown, India is dreaming big, but will not be an alternative to China. He even called the Western media a broker for comparing India with China.
Significantly, the German shoe company has talked about shifting its manufacturing unit from China to Agra, while mobile companies like Oppo and Apple have also said to shift to India. It is being told that about a thousand companies want to leave China due to the supply war being affected by the trade war with America and now the corona virus epidemic.
Global Times wrote, “According to media reports, India’s northern state of Uttar Pradesh has formed an economic task force to attract companies looking to shift manufacturing units from China. However, despite such efforts, it is an illusion to hope that the pressure on China’s economy due to the Corona epidemic will make India a new factory for the world. ”
Calling India a radical choice for China, the mouthpiece further wrote that the fundamentalists who say that India is on the right path to replace China is a nationalist boast. Not only this, China also linked this issue with the border dispute and said that this vanity has reached the military level due to economic issues. With which they have mistakenly assumed that they can now confront China with border disputes. This thinking is dangerous.
The Global Times also vented its frustration on the Western media and said that the Western media is brokering with enthusiasm by comparing India to China. This has left some Indians confused about the exact situation. It is unrealistic to think that India can replace China at this time.